Welcome to #Shitfaced @ irc.austnet.org Website

#Shitfaced Rules

Tomas The Tank
#Shitfaced Rules
Melbourne Shuffle
ToMAS's TeamSpeak adventures
Page with weird shit on it
Shitfaced in action

Ok so here are a few simple rules for #shitfaced:
Rules for channel OPs:
1. No banning people just because you dont like them or they piss you off, /ignore is there for a reason.
2. No banning other OPS, a few friendly kicks are alright but don't take it over the top.
3. Don't OP/HALFOP anyone in the channel that isn't a regular.
4. No banning/kicking regulars.
5. If you must change the topic make sure you keep this website's URL in the topic.
If you break any of these rules you will be suspended and if u keep breaking the rules you will be deleted until futher notice.
Rules for channel users:
1. Don't flood/spam.
2. Don't repeat a bizzilion times.
If u break these rules you'll be banned.